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“Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Knowledge-Based Decision Making” Webinar

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Many collaboration and decision-making settings are nowadays associated with huge, ever-increasing amounts of multiple types of data, obtained from diverse sources. These data may also vary in terms of subjectivity and importance, ranging from individual opinions and estimations to broadly accepted practices and trustable measurements and scientific results. Additional problems start when we want to consider and exploit accumulated volumes of data, which may have been collected over a few weeks or months, and meaningfully analyze them toward making a decision.

Admittedly, when things get complex, we need to identify, understand and exploit data patterns; we need to aggregate appropriate volumes of data from multiple sources, and then mine them for insights that would never emerge from manual inspection or analysis of any single data source. To make sense of these "big data" and come up with discoveries that help improve decision making in practical contexts, human intelligence should be also exploited. We need to provide the appropriate ways to nurture and capture this human intelligence in order to extract the necessary insights and improve the way machines deal with complex situations. The online Complementary Skills Webinar “Mastering Data-Intensive Collaboration and Knowledge-Based Decision Making” organized by University of Patras and held online on November 15th 2022 effectively addressed the above issues.

The speaker of the meeting was Prof. Nikos Karacapilidis.

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