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Work Package 1

Project management, dissemination and exploitation

Description of work: The project management and dissemination in DECODE will be undertaken jointly by UOI (coordinator) and partner organisation EXEL. UOI will be responsible for the overall supervision and contractual management of the project, while EXEL will provide the consortium with an experienced team in charge of the dayto-day project management, using tested tools and techniques compatible with the size and the training nature of the project. An easy-to-use project management handbook will be prepared by EXEL and distributed to the beneficiaries and partner organizations at the beginning of the project (M1), aiming at promoting quality assurance and compliance of all participants with the ITN-ETN Grant Agreement provisions and other contractual obligations. UOI will also play a key role in WP1 by preparing the data management plan of DECODE. All partners will be involved in the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities, IP issues, data management plan. WP1 includes the following tasks:

Task 1.1 Work progress monitoring and periodic reporting (UOI, EXEL, M1-48): Close monitoring of the training activities and results of the project. This will be realised through the establishment of effective internal communication channels (regular meetings and consultation) but mostly through the validation of the internal reports submitted to the coordinator by all WP leaders on a six-monthly basis. A regularly updated contingency plan based on the outcome of the internal reporting will be presented at each project meeting. Preparation and timely submission to the EC of periodic scientific reports. Lead beneficiary: UOI. Associated deliverables: D1.1, D1.11

Task 1.2 Contractual, financial and legal administration (UOI, EXEL, M1-48): Ensure compliance by all partners to the contractual documents (Grant Agreement and Annexes, Consortium Agreement). Negotiation of possible contract amendments. Submit timely, on behalf of the consortium, to the EC all periodic financial reports including detailed cost justification. Administer the EC financial contribution and distribute it to the partners according to the contractual provisions. Lead beneficiary: UOI. Associated deliverables: D1.9, D1.10

Task 1.3 Day-to-day management (UOI, EXEL, M1-48): Handle the project correspondence with external bodies and the day-to-day internal communication between the partners. Assist the coordinator in his administrative tasks (coordinate submission by all partners of financial statements and certificates of financial statements, compilation and circulation of drafts of the periodic and final reports, follow-up of EC payments). Prepare, execute and post- process network meetings. Provide teleconferencing tools and updated email lists. Monitor budget vs expenditures and support partners on financial issues such as eligibility of costs. Lead beneficiary: UOI. Associated deliverables: D.1, D1.9, D1.10

Task 1.4 Develop DECODE identity (UOI, EXEL, M1-3): A DECODE website will be designed and maintained in-house by partner EXEL. The website will consist of a public area presenting the project’s approach and goals to the general public and stakeholders, and a restricted area with interactive features for the partners to share information about training and research activities conducted by each team of the network, ethical and legal documents and other contractual documents. Creation of social media profiles (Twitter and LinkedIn) to communicate the DECODE training activities and for dissemination of project findings and outcomes. Active presence in Social Media channels guarantee high visibility of the network, its aims and findings. Development of visual identity, reflecting the network concept and scope. Building upon the network official logo, official templates will be generated e.g. PPT, leaflet, Letterhead, Flyer etc, to ensure consistency in the communication by all network partners. Lead partner: UOI. Associated deliverables: D1.2, D1.3, D1.4

Task 1.5 Communication activities (BIOIRC, All Partners, M1-48): Communication activities will be developed during the entire duration of the project and will include: a) Creation of a stakeholders mailing list: A sign up-tool will be placed on the project website, enabling external stakeholders to subscribe for the project’s newsletter and public email list, b) Update of project website: All beneficiaries will regularly contribute to website content, according to their areas of expertise. The project’s web presence will be expanded through cross-reference links to and from the DECODE partners’ websites, c) Update Social Media accounts: A Twitter and a Facebook account will facilitate quick dissemination of DECODE news. A Twittershort link will be created on the project website. The creation and update of a Linkedin profile will serve the dissemination of project findings and results towards various stakeholders throughout the entire project duration and beyond, d) Participation to conferences and events: The network will raise awareness on the project and increase its visibility by organizing, contributing to and participating in relevant workshops, congresses and international conferences. Lead partner: BIOIRC. Associated deliverables: D1.3, D1.4

Task 1.6 Exploitation strategy (BSL, all partners, M1-48). DECODE partners will be supported by IPR consultants provided by UOI and partner organization EXEL to translate new knowledge (foreground) into market near-ready technologies. Prepublication screening, inquiries into the state-of-the-art and market analyses will be performed for key domains (drug-eluting devices, medical devices for PAD, software engineering, computational modelling, AR/VR interaction), including exploitation potential, analysis of advantages of DECODE technologies and comparison with competing technologies, definition of market segments and analysis of key market participants. Finally, a business model strategy will be developed, the results of which will be summarized within a case-study document that can be used as a basis to develop a valid business concept before entering into realization. Lead partner: BSL. Associated deliverables: D1.5. D1.6

Task 1.7 Training of DECODE personnel on IP issues strategy (UOI, All partners, M6-48): Training sessions on IPR and Technology Transfer held by an IPR professional will be organised by EXEL during the network meetings. ESRs’ training on IPR issues will be an integral part of the transferable skills training programme. Lead partner: UOI. Associated deliverables: -

Task 1.8 Dissemination of the project’s results (BIOIRC, All partners, M1-48): Specific dissemination activities will be implemented in order to promote the project’s scientific results and create the conditions for further exploitation: Production of dissemination material: a) Production of a short video (3-5 minutes) for the description of the network, b) Publication of press releases, c) Development of official project templates. d) Project brochures and posters. Lead partner: BIOIRC. Associated deliverables: D1.3, D1.4

Task 1.9 Data management plan (UOI, All partners, M1-15). Development of a concrete data management plan for the collection of the data from the animal study and in-vitro experiments and knowledge during the lifecycle of DECODE. It should be mentioned that the data management plan will be a “living document”. Lead partner: UOI. Associated deliverables: D1.7. D1.8


The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 956470

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