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"Hands-on Training Course 2" Impression of ESR Efstathios Stratakos

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

"The project’s 2 nd Hands-on training was successfully completed by our partners at the University of Kragujevac, between the 5 th and the 9 th of December. The topics presented were mainly related to multi-physics numerical simulations for biomedical engineering applications, while the training was held at the University of Kragujevac Rectorate and the Science and Technology Park Novi Sad.

During the training courses, the ESRs were introduced to the in-house developed software of the University of Kragujevac, called PAK, and the different engineering problems that can be solved by exploiting the PAK code. Considering my background in finite element simulations, I found particularly interesting the workflow of preparing the simulations with the software and the concurrent simplicity of using the numerical tools that were developed by the researchers of the University. I was also impressed by the wide spectrum of techniques that the research team has employed to cope with the multidisciplinary projects that were presented. Additionally, the schedule of the training was well thought out, with a variety of cultural and educational events, as well as a laboratory tour that side-by-side supported the scientific training. The cordial hospitality of the organizers provided a welcoming atmosphere to the training program and in combination with the interesting scientific topics presented, the ESRs came across an all-embracing training experience. I would like to congratulate the organizers for this successful event and thank them for all the effort they have put into the training program."

Efstathios Stratakos, ESR6, POLIMI

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