Work Package 4
Computational Modelling of DCB angioplasty
WP4 - Computational Modelling of DCB angioplasty [Months: 3-48]
The multi-scale modelling activities of DECODE will be undertaken jointly by the partners POLIMI, UOI, BIOIRC, UPATRAS, CBSET. POLIMI will be the lead beneficiary. WP4 includes the following tasks:
Task 4.1 State of the art in Computational Modelling of DCB angioplasty (BIOIRC,POLIMI, CBSET, UOI, UPATRAS, M6-12). This task will review the state of the art in computational modeling of DCB angioplasty. A survey will be provided on the use of numerical approaches in the current literature to evaluate the materials used in existing DCBs and the mechanisms of actions of both the drugs and coating materials. Lead partner: BIOIRC. Associated deliverable: D4.1
Task 4.2 Computational modelling of micro/nano mechanics of balloon/coating system for DCBs and its small scale interaction with vascular tissues (POLIMI, CBSET, BIOIRC, UOI, UPATRAS, M6-48). Laboratory experimental techniques used in Task 3.1 to characterize the coating/polymer interaction in DCBs will be complemented by numerical modelling with the twofold purpose: (i) to provide a correct interpretation of the laboratory experiments so to extract tissue/polymer and coating properties; and (ii) to provide proper information to higher scale numerical simulations (at the device scale). The numerical study will also assess the role played by micro-patterning of the surface of DCBs and its effects on the surrounding vascular tissue. Lead partner: POLIMI. Associated deliverable: D4.2
Task 4.3 In silico simulations at macro/meso scale of angioplasty with DCBs, focusing on the mechanical aspects at the balloon-vessel interface (POLIMI, CBSET, BIOIRC, UOI, UPATRAS, M6-48). This Task deals with the development of numerical modelling techniques to accurately simulate the balloon-arterial wall interaction during an angioplasty of a stenotic peripheral artery with DCBs. This will require an accurate description of the drug coating and its adherence to the balloon material. For this, the interaction with Task 4.2 will be exploited. Other features affecting the balloon contact modalities and drug stamping to vascular tissue, such as the balloon foldingunfolding and possible surface micro-patterns suggested, will be simulated by means of suitable modelling approaches. Moreover, advanced models of the peripheral arterial wall will be implemented to describe the various effects of the clinical procedure, as follows: (i) a damage model of the arterial wall to take into account the consequences of vessel predilation using common angioplasty balloons(in interaction with Task 4.2), (ii) a model of the hydraulic wall permeability and interstitial flow to describe the changes during the balloon inflation-deflation. Lead partner: POLIMI Associated deliverable: D4.3